

Competitors do not need a full weekend pass to participate, a party pass holder is also accepted.

Send your registration following this link Contest Registration

Note that the registration online is only a pre-registration.
At the festival, you also have to pay the €10 fee per competition and pick up your number.

The competition desk is open between 16.00 -19.15 on Friday the 14th of March in Brancaccio Palace. Be early, competition registration closes at 19.00. Prelims start at 20.00.

Order of prelims (approximate times) :
Amateur M&M 20.00-20.30
Pro M&M 20.30-21.00
Strictly 21.00-21.30

Maximum numbers of registrations:
Strictly: 24 couples
Amateur: 24 follows or leaders
Pro 24 follows or leaders

Balboa Mix& Match Pro

Leaders and Followers sign up individually. In the prelims you will dance with more than one partner and to different tempos. Individuals will be chosen by the judges to dance the final.

This is a Balboa/Bal-swing competition. You will be judged on technique, musicality and ability to create partnership. Judges will be looking for dancers that can adapt to and complement their partners while keeping the integrity of their own dancing. In the finals you will be randomly paired and judged as couples.

This division is open for any level of dancers, but note that you can only participate in one of the mix and match competitions unless you sign up in a different role.

In the finals, the amateur followers will dance with the pro leaders, and the amateur leaders will dance with the pro followers.

Balboa Mix & Match Amateur

Leaders and Followers sign up individually. In the prelims you will dance with more than one partner and to different tempos. Individuals will be chosen by the judges to dance the final.

This is a Balboa/Bal-swing competition. You will be judged on technique, musicality and ability to create partnership. Judges will be looking for dancers that can adapt to and complement their partners while keeping the integrity of their own dancing. In the finals you will be randomly paired and judged as couples.

This division is open for dancers that haven’t yet made the finals in any other Balboa mix and match competition of a similar level. Note that you can only participate in one of the mix and match competitions unless you sign up in a different role

The organizer reserves the right to determine if a dancer can enter this division. Please contact the organizer if you have questions regarding which mix and match competition you should sign up for.

In the finals, the amateur followers will dance with the pro leaders, and the amateur leaders will dance with the pro followers.

The Battle of Rome - Strictly

Dancers sign up as couples. In the prelims you will dance to songs of different tempos. Couples will be chosen by the judges to dance the final.

This is a Balboa/Bal-swing competition. Judges will reward partnership, technique, ability to improvise to the music and performance skills. Prepared choreographed elements and airsteps are accepted, but will only be rewarded if done musically and within the dance.

The finals will be in the format of spotlights. One song per couple.

This competition is open for any level of dancers.